

Sep 06 2013

Are You Leading a Unique Business? Of Course You Are!

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As a speaker, trainer and consultant, I have to spend more time than I like on marketing. One of the basics the experts have taught me is a Unique Selling Proposition or USP. Specifically, what is unique about what I offer and how does that unique proposition separate me from everyone else who does what I do?

It’s an interesting, and somewhat frustrating exercise and really helps focus my marketing efforts. As I was working on a new edition of Planning to Excel: Strategic Planning That Works, and writing a series of articles on motivation and employee engagement, it occurred to me that there is a very definite parallel between the USP concept and a leader’s vision statement and clear organizational mission statement.

It’s simply that when employees understand why the company exists and what it does; when they clearly understand what makes the company special; and when they feel they are a vital part of that company, they will be much more enthusiastic about the company’s success.

Although there are unfortunately, many speakers and trainers in the world who specialize in leadership development, I believe that what I offer is unique because of my long and varied experience. I can provide a perspective that most cannot.

You should find the same uniqueness in your company. Even though it probably isn’t the only company that does what you do, it’s unique because _______. Now make sure everyone in the company understands that. Then help them understand how they contribute to that uniqueness.

What’s unique about your business? How are you ensuring your employees feel they are a part of that?

Planning to Excel: Strategic Planning That Works


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