Tag Archive: abraham maslow

Apr 13 2011

Leadership Development – What do Workers Need? Self-Actualization

John was a quiet associate. His managers really liked him because he could tell a customer where any item was in the store. When a recent store-wide reset was completed, he seemed to instinctively know all the new locations, even more amazing considering the store had a large inventory of small products. Unfortunately, John’s managers saw his quiet demeanor as a lack of motivation, completely missing his need to be self-actualized. When opportunities to move to new positions within the store arose, he was usually not seriously considered. John works for another company now, lured away by the prospect of continuously learning new parts of the business.

Apr 06 2011

Leadership Development – What do Workers Need? Belonging and Self-Esteem

Where do you belong? Are you part of a group, a team, a church, a social club, a professional organization? There’s been a lot of discussion lately about how some generational groups aren’t team players and want to work individually. Yet, these same people have families, and friends. Maybe they like to go to sports events or concerts with the same small group. Psychologist Abraham Maslow identified belonging as a basic human need on his Hierarchy of Needs.

Mar 30 2011

Leadership Development – What do Workers Need? Safety

We previously discussed the first level of human need on Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy. Next we’ll look at the second level of Maslow’s hierarchy which is the safety need. Maslow focused on the need to be free from fear and was generally referring to a larger social context. However, leaders should consider how this level of need applies to the workplace. When workers feel unsafe, their attention becomes completely focused on their own safety and they experience fear. That feeling of fear will keep them from considering much else.

Mar 23 2011

Leadership Development – What do Workers Need? Survival

Jennifer was a good worker and the customers liked her. She consistently received favorable customer comments and many of the regulars asked for her by name. The store manager always gave Jennifer high marks on her appraisals and felt she had a great future with the company. When Jennifer announced that she was leaving, it was a great surprise for both her department and the store manager. Jennifer left the store because she had found a job that paid more.

Mar 16 2011

Leadership Development – What do Workers Need?

A restaurant owner once told me that it was difficult to motivate employees because most workers in the food service industry were just working there while waiting for whatever was next. That’s a common thought throughout the retail industry and in many cases it’s true. Why? For one thing, our society doesn’t see hawking disassembled furniture at Target, or waiting tables at Applebee’s as glamorous jobs. If we ask why again, there are several popular answers, but I want to concentrate on a particular area that many leaders don’t seem to pay much attention to. That is, leaders seldom make much effort to satisfy employee needs.