

Dec 30 2013

Leading Through the Winter Doldrums

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Leading Through the Winter Doldrums

Another year is ready for the history books. Was it a good year? That depends on who you ask. A lot of you will be making resolutions for the new year – which you will probably abandon by February.

There’s something else about this time of year that leaders should keep in mind.

Winter Doldrums.

The holidays are over, you’ve cleaned up after the New Years Eve party and now everything is back to normal, right?

Maybe so, but there’s a big let down that starts to occur about the second week of January. Sure, there are a couple of three day weekends coming, but nothing that can compete with the November – December holidays or the fun of summer vacation. The weather is usually tough, the days are still short, and the credit card bills start to show up. That’s when the Winder Doldrums start to set in.

What’s a good leader to do?

This is a great time to start something new. Perhaps tackle one of those goals you haven’t gotten to yet. But remember, just like everything about leading, this isn’t about you. So, get your employees involved. Keep them challenged.

And also, have a little fun. Surprise them with something out of the ordinary once in a while to keep things fresh. This can be a very productive time of year if you just do a little to help them stay engaged.