

Sep 18 2013

Selecting New Managers: A Thirst For Learning

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Selecting New Managers: A Thirst For Learning

As a young maintenance officer in the Air Force, I knew there was much to learn. I didn’t know how much. My supervisors always seemed to have a question for which I had no answer, forcing me to dig into yet another facet of the job. That learning never stopped; something that a few of my peers didn’t understand. Those who were not only willing, but eager to constantly learn fell by the way as they were passed over for new opportunities.

If you think about your own advancement you’ll probably realize it has been a path of constant learning. That’s something you must consider when selecting candidates for promotion to management positions.

A good management candidate is one who is eager to learn. Of course they’ve had to learn in order to achieve proficiency in their current job, but you’re looking for someone who keeps learning; who actively seeks out new information.

That’s the type of person who will succeed as a manager and leader.


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