

Jun 12 2013

Leaders and Conflict – Keep It Professional

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Leaders and Conflict – Keep It Professional

I’m a proponent of conflict in the workplace. I like it when there is lively discussion, disagreement, and debate on important issues. Out of that conflict comes better ideas, more effective solutions to problems, and personal growth of everyone involved.

But, that conflict has to stay professional and concentrate on the issues. Leaders must never allow the discussion, disagreement, and debate to become personal. Not everyone in the office or on the team is going to be best friends and personal dislikes will develop. It’s the leader’s responsibility to keep those types of bad conflict in check.

When I facilitate meetings I have a hard and fast rule. We only discuss the issues. Personal comments are off-limits. I keep an eye on people and when I see the first hint that personal dislikes are creeping into the discussion, I quickly move to someone else or even switch to a different point of discussion.

When facilitating teams I point out that at some point in the discussion, everyone will look across the table at someone else and think, “That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Are you insane? How do you even dress yourself in the morning?” I assure them that at some point someone else will be looking across the table at them thinking the same thing. Therefore, it’s best to stick to the issues. Such negative personal comments will only come back to bite them.

Remember, good conflict is about the issues, not personalities.