

Mar 25 2010

Leadership Cultures and Their Effect on the Organization – Part 4

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In the last post, I discussed the Everyone for Themselves, and the Status Quo leadership cultures. This time I’ll discuss the One Decision Maker and Give and Take cultures.

One Decision Maker

In this organization, the boss makes all the decisions. Subordinate leaders are held responsible but are given very little, if any, authority. This culture can become dysfunctional very quickly and subordinate leaders will quit leading. The One Decision Maker culture is characterized by a boss who is always inundated with work and who never seems to have time for anything, especially family and a personal life. That’s because the boss becomes the only one doing any leadership or management tasks. This organization can very easily fall apart when the person who was the sole decision maker leaves. The One Decision Maker Culture can be almost the same as The Boss is God if the senior leader has became comfortable with that position. Often though, it’s a result of a leader who is too insecure to trust others.

Effects On Leadership Development

In the One Decision Maker culture, new leaders may appear to emerge and develop; however, this can be deceiving as they will only go as far as the boss lets them and they likely will develop the same style as the boss. Since the boss doesn’t completely trust anyone, developing leaders will never really get the opportunity to exercise true leadership, since the boss keeps all real authority for himself.

Effects On Strategic Planning

In the One Decision Maker Culture, strategic planning is only as effective as the decision maker makes it. Frankly, if the senior leader doesn’t release some of the decision making authority, there is no need to form a leadership team. The senior leader must push the leadership team to take ownership of goals, then demonstrate that the team has the authority to take action to meet those goals. Also, the leadership team must be given responsibility for much of the communication of the plan. Perception is very important in this situation. Subordinates must clearly see that the leadership team really does have the responsibility, and authority, to implement the new plan.

Give and Take

In this culture, there is a free flow of information and responsibility between levels and different parts of the organization. There may be a specific hierarchy but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a healthy relationship between leaders and subordinates. In the Give and Take culture, leaders give subordinates appropriate levels of responsibilities while encouraging them to question and challenge. Give and Take can often be seen as a sub-culture of a Lockstep organization.

Effects On Leadership Development

This is a great culture for developing leaders. Development is encouraged and there is plenty of opportunity for emerging leaders to practice the craft while enjoying the support of their leaders. However, leaders must guard against a laissez faire attitude developing as this can result in migration to an Anything Goes leadership culture instead of leadership development.

Effects On Strategic Planning

This is probably the easiest organization for strategic planning. The senior leader has a good relationship with the leadership team and they are all seen by subordinates as having the best interests of the organization at heart. Watch that the leadership team doesn’t try to take on too much when setting goals.

Next time, I’ll wrap up the series with some ideas on how to determine what your leadership culture is.

This post is taken from the mini-book Leadership Culture and Its Effect on Strategic Planning and Leadership Development. Learn more at http://www.planleadexcel.com/Products/copypreptolead.html.