

Apr 24 2013

Strategic Planning: What To Do When Crises Hits

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Strategic Planning: What To Do When Crises Hits

“There’s just no sense in detailed planning because today’s world moves much too fast.”

I hear versions of this mantra more and more lately. Granted, there’s a grain of truth here; the world is moving very fast. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t plan. Most of the people I hear this from are struggling. Often I see them in a reactionary mode, rather than trying to be in front of their industry.

In fact, the fast pace of today’s world is a great reason to have a good strategic plan.

But, I’m a realist and I know it isn’t always possible to follow a plan. When disaster strikes, or there’s a sudden change in the marketplace it’s common for the plan to fall by the wayside.

When this happens, take the following steps.

First, evaluate the situation. Like any problem solving process, this evaluation is essential. Don’t do anything with the plan until you complete this evaluation.

Second, determine what action is necessary. Perhaps a disaster has set you back and you must deal with that situation at the exclusion of all else. That isn’t a reason to panic and scrap the plan. Instead, figure out what needs to be done immediately to recover and do it. You must not lose track of the mission, but it may be necessary to slide some goal completion dates.

Third, communicate your intentions to the entire organization. Make sure they understand what the organization needs to do, that the mission hasn’t changed, and the goals are still relevant.

Occasionally something so significant happens that it completely alters your world and makes your plan obsolete. If that’s the case, gather the leadership team and create a new plan. Again though, you must communicate what you’re doing clearly with the entire organization.

One other benefit of a good strategic plan is that it provides a great recovery point after the crises is handled.

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1 comment

  1. D

    Thanks ADMIN.

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