

Dec 04 2013

Leadership Lessons From the U.S. Government

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Ah the Affordable Care Act. Obamacare. The program that would give all citizens access to affordable health care. All we would have to do is log on to this easy to use website and buy a policy. If we liked the policy we already had, we didn’t need to do anything.

Wait a minute! I’m not going to talk about the new health care law. The lesson is in the government’s attempt to deal with the failure of the new system and especially that website. Of course you can go to just about any company with an on-line presence and buy something. Apparently, ecommerce sites are not terribly uncommon in our world today. The government had some trouble making such a site work though.

So what was their reaction? How did they deal with the problem? They lied.

Any leader will have to deal with a failure at some point in their career. Learn the lesson the government has taught us; lying about the problem does not make it go away and does not satisfy your angry customers.