

Nov 27 2013

Leadership Reading – Part 4

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For the final installment of this series let’s leave books and look at some other sources of information for leaders.

The first is magazines. I get 13 different magazines and I almost never seem to catch up. Two of those are Fortune and Forbes. Both are business magazines that although they only sometimes specifically address leadership, still have leadership lessons to be gleaned from their pages.

I also read a lot of blogs. Some people consider blogs to be the dregs of the information world as there is no real check or balance on what is written. While this is true, it doesn’t take much to determine if the author is providing value or is just some nut with a keyboard. I suggest you find a few blogs that speak to you. A good place to look is Alltop.com which is one of the largest collections of blogs available. Click on the “L” and go to “Leadership.” You’ll find this blog there so you know it’s a good list!

Some of the blogs I read are The Trust Ambassador by Robert Whipple at www.thetrustambassador.com; Coaching Tip: The Leadership Blog by John Agno at www.coachingtip.com; and Leadership Freak by Dan Rockwell at http://leadershipfreak.wordpress.com/.

One last word about reading. I’ve given you a lot of ideas of what to read to learn more about leadership. But if that’s all you read, you will become boring and have difficulty getting dates. Read about something else from time to time. You need to have interests outside of your quest for improved leadership. Not everything on my shelves is about leadership. Yours shouldn’t be either.