

Aug 23 2013

Strategic Planning is Still A Good Idea!

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“In the fast paced world we’re in today, strategic planning just isn’t a good idea.”Process I’ve been hearing more and more of those kinds of comments. Many of them come from successful young start-up companies that seem to be proof of the theory. But, I don’t believe they are being honest with themselves. The CEOs of these companies demonstrate that they have all the components of a good strategic plan, even if they don’t call it that.

They have a vision for their company. They have a mission and have established at least some goals. They’ve considered the problems they might encounter and they have a definite value set. These leaders just haven’t put it all into one place where everyone can see it. They seem to think that taking that step is too complex and will bog down their progress.

If they use normal strategic planning models, I’d have to agree. These models make the process way too complex and are not compatible with the any kind of business that wants to move forward quickly.

In my many years of study and application of strategic planning I found that the process has to be accomplished quickly and efficiently or the results will be unsatisfactory. That means the process, and the product must be simple and straightforward.

If I may stretch a metaphor, don’t throw the baby (the necessity and benefits of a strategic plan) Planning to Excel: Strategic Planning That Worksout with the bathwater (the current murky planning processes).



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