

Mar 13 2013

Motivation and Engagement: What’s the Connection?

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Motivation and Engagement: What’s the Connection?

Employee engagement has become a management buzz phrase lately. What do we really mean by engagement? What’s the connection to motivation?

Engagement simply refers to how much an employee is interested and involved in the mission and goals of the company. Unfortunately many employees just come to work every day, put in their time and go home. They don’t step outside their own specific responsibilities or do anything to make the company better or more profitable. They may be very good at their job, but not interested in much more.

To be engaged is to actively participate in the company. Engaged employees look for ways to make the company better, to improve their area of responsibility, to more effectively meet the company’s goals and objectives.

Since you’re watching this, or reading the blog, you must be a more enlightened leader so you know you can’t motivate your workers, but you do want them to be engaged. You’re in luck because motivation and engagement are connected.

When you help your workers understand their own motivation, and help them realize that motivation, they are much more likely to become engaged in the company’s mission and goals. Remember that two of the strongest needs that motivate your workers are belonging and self-esteem. To realize those needs, they almost have to become engaged!

When you help them realize their needs, they will most certainly help you reach your own motivation. They’re more engaged and you’re more successful. Not a bad combination.