

Oct 24 2012

Change: The One Thing That Makes it Easier

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Change: The One Thing That Makes it Easier

Joe and Jane were both managers in a large company and supervised divisions roughly equal in size and responsibility. The company had recently implemented several changes that were disruptive to both divisions. Joe was having a lot of trouble getting them implemented. His workers were openly rebellious and many were filing complaints and grievances.

Jane’s division was also unhappy with the changes but were not openly rebellious and actually accepted them, striving to implement them as best they could.

To understand why the stark difference between Joe’s and Jane’s divisions, let’s turn back the clock.

Joe is the type of leader who knows he’s in charge and if you work for him, you better know that too. He prides himself on listening to his workers, but in reality he’s only hearing them agree with him. He doesn’t bother to ask anyone else their thoughts before he makes decisions; after all, he’s the leader. He’s found it convenient to tell the workers whatever he thought would keep them quiet, even if it means stretching the truth.

Jane’s leadership style is quite different. She regularly gets out of her office and talks to her workers, making a genuine, and obvious effort to understand their concerns. She keeps them informed as much as she can and tells them when she isn’t able to answer their questions.

When the changes were announced at a staff meeting both Joe and Jane knew they would not be popular. Jane asked the plant manager, Greg, if she could speak with him for a few minutes after the meeting. Joe just rolled his eyes and said, “There she goes again. Why can’t you just do what you’re told?” Jane ignored him and privately expressed some concerns to Greg who quickly understood she had some valid points. Greg took her concerns to the company’s president who also understood and made some modifications.

Word got back to the workers in both divisions (as it always does). Jane’s division saw that she had represented their concerns and, while they weren’t happy with the changes, they knew that she would need their support if she was to continue representing them so well.

Joe’s division also realized that Jane had made the changes easier to accept, but were upset that Joe had not supported her, and them, so they didn’t see any reason to support him. They rebelled and many even refused to implement the changes.

Change isn’t always popular and it’s sometimes difficult to implement. There are lots of theories about change and how humans respond to it. A good leader will study change and understand the stages of acceptance, how and why people react, and all the other nuances of this complex subject. But there’s a basic factor that quite often can make the difference between acceptance and rebellion.


When workers trust their leaders, change is much easier.

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