

Aug 23 2012

What are You Doing About Social Media?

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What are You Doing About Social Media?

It’s been a tough month for Facebook. From what I hear on the news, Founder Mark Zuckerberg is only worth about half a gazillion dollars now. For all the Facebooks, MySpaces, and now Pinterests, that come and go, I think the concept is here to stay. First it was email, then instant messaging. Somewhere along the line we, as a global society it seems, decided the rest of the world cared deeply about our dinner menu or our cat’s latest antics.

Now it’s an issue in the workplace. How much time are your employees spending on social networking instead of really working? What are they saying about you? Don’t try to figure that out. If it’s an issue you really have other problems. I suggest you figure out how to use social media, or a form of it anyway, to improve your efficiency. Even curmudgeonly people like me need to try new things once in a while.

I look back on past responsibilities and think how nice it would have been if we’d had a tool like that, especially when I was working with organizations that were spread out across the globe. Here are a couple of things to think about though.

First, consider email. I know, I’m old fashioned, but hey, if it works, use it. Or even better, pick up the phone.

But, if you really want a social media type tool for your organization, consider having a smart tech guy create it or use one of the companies that can create a network for you. I’m not endorsing anyone here but a quick search will present some options. Facebook and its like are way too unsecure.

Don’t let this be a substitute for personal contact. Get up and go see people once in a while. We have a tendency to span the vast distance over a three foot high cube wall electronically. Encourage people to get up, travel those three steps, visit the next cube and actually have a conversation.

Finally, remember this. Everything that was accomplished in the 20th century, from airplanes to space flight to the computer, and yes, even cats came about without the benefit of social media. It isn’t a bad thing but remember that it’s a tool. Use it but don’t let it take over.